Monday, May 28, 2012

New Way To Bond....

My hubby loves to come up with DIY gadgets. Solar panels that we can use to run our lamps and other small electronics for free from energy from the sun, mini wood stoves made from tomato juice cans, an air conditioner made out of a large cooler and some 2-liter bottles with frozen water in them. It's funny but they all actually work quite well. And he gets a thrill from making these things and watching them actually do their job. He's always tinkering around with some project. It's annoying sometimes because he'll drag these gadgets in the house and force us to use them, even if it's inconvinent but what I love about it is how much the kids like it. They think Daddy's gadgets are SO COOL and when they get involved, it gives him a way to bond with the kids. The other night I came home from work and him and the kids were outside on the back porch roasting marshmallows over his ghetto tomato juice can stove. The kids were amazed and it was actually quite cute. He, of course, thinks it's the coolest thing in the world that he can rig up something so functional. He tries to get me as excited as he is about it but it's hard to muster up the enthusiasm because most of the time I just think it's silly and pointless. But I don't say anything because it does give him and the kids an activity to do together and they share his excitement over the little gadgets. There's nothing sweeter than a man being a daddy. :)

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